Browse Topic Pensions


Topic: Pensions

There are 390 documents that match the specified criteria.

ID Document type Title Publication date
2022/00173 Letter Prospect letter to the Minister for Pensions & Financial Inclusion - Gender pension gap 17 February 2022
2022/00123 Submission Submission to Work & Pensions select committee - Protecting pension savers call for evidence 02 February 2022
2021/01269 Submission Prospect submission to Cabinet Office consultation on statutory amendment covering McCloud remedy and member contributions 20 December 2021
2021/01088 Members' guide Workplace Pensions 10 November 2021
2021/01085 Submission Prospect submission to DWP on permitted charges with DC schemes 09 November 2021
2021/01009 Members' guide Public sector pensions 29 October 2021
2021/00814 Leaflet/booklet Achieving gender equality in pensions – Prospect’s 2021 report on the gender pension gap 19 September 2021
2021/00758 Submission Prospect submission to HMT review on the methodology of the discount rate for public service pensions 16 August 2021
2021/00648 Information update (News) BT Pension Scheme Update - This message is for the attention of all members of the BT Pension Scheme 05 July 2021
2006/00704 Members' guide TUPE regulations 12 June 2021
2020/01135 Briefing Rep Briefing for Defined Contribution Pensions 28 October 2020
2020/00992 Policy Statement of investment Principles (SIP) Sept 2020 - CP&LAS 25 September 2020
2020/00991 Policy Statement of investment Principles (SIP) Sept 2020 - BSRS 25 September 2020
2020/00990 Policy Statement of investment Principles (SIP) Sept 2020 - PPS 25 September 2020
2020/00989 Submission Prospect submission to MHCLG consultation on the amendments to the LGPS underpin 25 September 2020
2020/00945 Submission Prospect submission to HMT consultation on the remedy for McCloud/Sargeant 14 September 2020
2020/00308 Information update (News) Pension tax relief reform must be fair and sustainable 28 February 2020
2020/00235 Information update (News) Prospect calls for action on civil service pension contributions 18 February 2020
2020/00157 Information update (News) Public sector pensions affected by landmark legal case 05 February 2020
2020/00143 Information update (News) Financial Conduct Authority issues warning to advisers 03 February 2020
2020/00114 Information update (News) Prospect welcomes BT pensions court ruling on GMP 24 January 2020
2020/00105 Information update (News) Prospect to seek legal advice on pausing cost cap for civil service pensions 22 January 2020
2019/01838 Information update (News) Pension Increase Exchanges: jam today, butter tomorrow? 04 December 2019
2019/01834 Information update (News) Unions must engage with Just Transition 03 December 2019
2019/01832 Information update (News) Pensions tax survey for energy sector 03 December 2019
2019/01261 Information update (News) Civil service unions issue warning to government on pensions 19 August 2019
2019/01075 Information update (News) Supreme Court denies govt appeal of firefighters and judges' pensions 10 July 2019
2019/00826 Information update (News) Prospect marks Equal Pension Day 24 May 2019
2019/00742 Information update (News) Babcock consultation on pension scheme changes 07 May 2019
2019/00713 Information update (News) Prospect blasts BT over its ‘shameful’ pensions appeal 30 April 2019