Foreign & Commonwealth Office (HQ)
Welcome to Prospect’s C128 Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) Branch page. The branch consists of two sections: C128AA for the members working in the main FCO department and C128AB for the members working for FCO Services (FCOS) which is a trading fund of the FCO.
Prospect represents specialists and technical grades including apprentices across the various sites both home and overseas including King Charles Street and the Old Admiralty Building in Whitehall, Wilton Park and Hanslope Park.
The FCO and FCOS provide expertise and technical support and services to other government departments, countries and commercial companies in addition to the core business of providing the diplomatic service.
The branch council consists of experienced and well-trained lay representatives who have access to professional support from Prospect headquarters.
If you have a problem or simply want some information then please contact one of the branch officers.