

ID Title Date
2019/01917 Download now: Costume Professionals: Your Rights At Work booklet Costume Professionals: Your Rights At Work booklet 25 October 2019
2019/01925 Download now: This is the current Bectu Production Accountants Branch minimum ratecard. Production Accounts Department TV Drama Ratecard 04 August 2019
2019/01924 Download now: The Writers, Producers, Directors branch (WPD) rate card is the result of members engaging with the survey and the consultation. These are the rates we recommend you seek when negotiating your salary. The WPD committee hopes that this rate card will make pay fairer so please do not undercut these rates. A range of rates in each job role has been provided to reflect different levels of experience.  A reminder that these are recommended rates for all genres EXCEPT TV drama and comedy. WPD Recommended Rates – August 2019 01 August 2019
2019/01920 Download now: These are the ratecards for hair and make-up as of June 2019 in TV dramas and film. The ratecard for hair and make-up workers supporting the fashion industry (editorial, lookbooks, film, photography, promotion etc) is also below. Hair and Makeup Branch Ratecard June 2019 – TV Dramas 01 June 2019
2019/01919 Download now: These are the ratecards for hair and make-up as of June 2019 in TV dramas and film. The ratecard for hair and make-up workers supporting the fashion industry (editorial, lookbooks, film, photography, promotion etc) is also below. Hair and Makeup Branch Ratecard June 2019 – Film 01 June 2019
2019/01916 Download now: These are the rates for freelancers and casuals engaged by BBC Scotland, effective 1 October 2018. BBC Scotland Freelance/Casual Rates 2019 01 April 2019
2019/01923 Download now: UK Theatre/SOLT Opera and Ballet Touring Allowances (2019) UK Theatre/SOLT Opera and Ballet Touring Allowances (2019) 01 April 2019
2019/01922 Download now: Post Production & Facilities Branch -TV Drama Ratecard 2022 Post Production & Facilities Branch -TV Drama Ratecard 2022 01 January 2019
2019/01921 Download now: These are the recommended going rates for film and TV covering supervising location managers, location managers, assistant location managers, location scouts and location assistants, from micro-budgets to mid-budget productions. Location Branch – Film Rates 2019 01 January 2019
2019/01918 Download now: These are the recommended rates of pay for freelancers in costume and wardrobe. The latest rates, published in March 2019, are based on information gathered from members across every level of the film industry. Rates are quoted for all grades – from costume designer through to costume PA – and are divided into film budget bands. Advice is also given on basic and ‘rolled’ up rates as they relate to holiday pay. Bectu recommends that freelancers accept no less than the figures quoted. An u Costume and Wardrobe Ratecard (March 2019) 01 January 2019
2018/02163 Download now: The BBC has an agreement with Bectu which covers the core interests of all freelancers working on BBC productions. The framework agreement was agreed in April 2010. These documents contain information on minimum rates, effective 1 April 2018, for Continuing Drama Series and Series and Serials. BBC Freelance Rates: Continuing Drama Series (1 April 2018) 01 April 2018
2018/02162 Download now: The BBC has an agreement with Bectu which covers the core interests of all freelancers working on BBC productions. The framework agreement was agreed in April 2010. These documents contain information on minimum rates, effective 1 April 2018, for Continuing Drama Series and Series and Serials. BBC Freelance Rates: Series and Serials (1 April 2018) 01 April 2018
2018/02166 Download now: Production branch ratecard 2018 Production branch ratecard 2018 01 January 2018
2018/02165 Download now: These are the latest ratecards for Grips in film and TV. The film ratecard applies to films with budgets £30m and above, under £30m and less than £10m. The rates for films with budgets £30m and above should be read in conjunction with the new agreement covering major motion pictures introduced on 2 April 2018. Rates for grips in TV 2018 01 January 2018
2018/02164 Download now: These are the latest ratecards for Grips in film and TV. The film ratecard applies to films with budgets £30m and above, under £30m and less than £10m. The rates for films with budgets £30m and above should be read in conjunction with the new agreement covering major motion pictures introduced on 2 April 2018. Grip Department Rates for Film 2018 01 January 2018
2017/02102 Download now: The collective bargaining agreement between Bectu and UK Theatre covers most commercial theatres outside London.  Below are the minimum rates for staff. Please note that the subsistence allowance increased to £140.00 (with effect from 1 April 2017). Also below are the amended touring allowances for staff working on opera and ballet productions from 3 April 2017 and the latest UK Theatre/ Equity /Bectu rates for lighting designers, set and costume designers and resident designers for 2017 – 20 UKT Equity BECTU Designers Rates – Resident Designers – 2017-2018 04 April 2017
2017/02101 Download now: The collective bargaining agreement between Bectu and UK Theatre covers most commercial theatres outside London.  Below are the minimum rates for staff. Please note that the subsistence allowance increased to £140.00 (with effect from 1 April 2017). Also below are the amended touring allowances for staff working on opera and ballet productions from 3 April 2017 and the latest UK Theatre/ Equity /Bectu rates for lighting designers, set and costume designers and resident designers for 2017 – 20 UKT Equity BECTU Designers Rates – Set and Costume – 2017-2018 04 April 2017
2017/02100 Download now: The collective bargaining agreement between Bectu and UK Theatre covers most commercial theatres outside London.  Below are the minimum rates for staff. Please note that the subsistence allowance increased to £140.00 (with effect from 1 April 2017). Also below are the amended touring allowances for staff working on opera and ballet productions from 3 April 2017 and the latest UK Theatre/ Equity /Bectu rates for lighting designers, set and costume designers and resident designers for 2017 – 20 UKT Equity BECTU Designers Rates – Lighting Designers – 2017-2018 01 April 2017
2015/01969 Download now: These are the ratecards for hair and make-up as of June 2019 in TV dramas and film. The ratecard for hair and make-up workers supporting the fashion industry (editorial, lookbooks, film, photography, promotion etc) is also below. Fashion Hair and Make-Up Ratecard 01 October 2015
2015/01968 Download now: The Art Department branch’s  Terms and Conditions Art Department: Branch Terms and Conditions (April 2015) 01 April 2015