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Prospect statement of accounts 2019   info
Prospect is required by law to publish a statement to members for the year ending 31 December 2019

Bectu member benefits leaflets   info
Bectu range of member services including legal services, insurances etc

Find Your Future flyer - 7 February 2020   info
A flyer for Find Your Future, Bectu's event for apprentices and trainees into the broadcasting and entertainment industries.

BAFTA BFI Bullying and harassment prevention principles 2019   info
BAFTA BFI Bullying and harassment prevention principles 2019

Dignity at work – a charter for the energy sector   info
Prospect's charter for the energy sector on: pay; fatigue, working time and stress; equality, diversity and inclusion; training and development.

Union week - a year with Prospect Legal   info
Flyer setting out some of the legal successes for Prospect & BECTU members since last year’s union week.

The climate crisis – be part of the solution   info
A5 flyer explaining why unions should be part of the solution to the climate crisis (Prospect version)

Bectu 2019 – Support, Grow, Succeed flyer   info
Bectu 2019 – Support, Grow, Succeed flyer

Prospect 2019 – Support, Grow, Succeed flyer   info
Prospect 2019 – Support, Grow, Succeed flyer

Standards for professionals in education and children's services in England   info
Standards for professionals in education and children’s services aims to underpin the definition and development of their roles, the services that they deliver and the professional actions they undertake.

Six core principles for professionals in Education and Children's Services in England   info
The six core principles offer professional and organisational practices to underpin individual and collective capacity development.

Prospect gender pay gap report 2018   info
Prospect gender pay gap report 2018