All posters

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Posters increase Prospect's visibility in your workplace, especially if you refresh noticeboards regularly.

You can download the following posters from our library. Most of these are low-resolution PDFs, so if you want to display them in your workplace, check with our central services department first to see if we've got printed copies in stock. You should see thumbnail images for our most recent posters.

How to Report Bullying and Harassment Poster   info
Bullying and Harassment flowchart for members to share, print and post.

Prep and Wrap Poster   info
Prep and Wrap Poster

Union week 2020 - 3MF offer A4 poster   info
Union week 2020 - 3MF offer poster

'Don't be a martyr' poster   info
Don't be a martyr' poster for Eyes Half Shut campaign

Stagehands join BECTU poster   info
A poster for branch members to use for marketing purposes.

BECTU Posters July 2018   info
BECTU has six new posters; view this file to see them. Reps can order A4 or A3 versions.

"Be proud – join a union" poster   info
"Be proud – join a union" poster

West End workers meeting flyer - 16.10.17   info
Flyer for West End workers meeting to discuss SOLT's response to pay claim - 16.10.17

…it's bullying A4 recruitment poster   info
Anti-bullying poster highlighting different types of bullying

Protection at work for less than the price of a cup of coffee   info
Prospect recruitment poster

Protection at work for less than the price of your morning coffee   info
A4 recruitment poster

"Campaigning for fair pay" poster   info
Poster highlighting Prospect's work on equal pay ("Fair workplaces are good workplaces – join Prospect today")

"Is your pay stuck in the 60s?"   info
Poster about Prospect's campaigning work on equal pay

Careersmart flyer   info
Career Smart Flyer

Member recruit member, A4 poster   info
MRM A4 poster 'More members means greater influence. Recruit a colleague'. Includes the option to donate £10 to Help for Heroes

Performance Management 'Does your face fit' A4 posters   info
If your mark does not fit your performance …challenge it!


(staff only)

"Campaigning for fair pay" poster   info
Poster highlighting Prospect's work on equal pay ("Fair workplaces are good workplaces – join Prospect today")

"Is your pay stuck in the 60s?"   info
Poster about Prospect's campaigning work on equal pay

Equality Poster: International Women's Day, 8 March   info
Equality poster adapted for International Women's Day, which is held on 8 March every year. This poster can be re-used annually.

Black history timeline: poster 5   info
This is the final poster in a series of five produced by the Guardian for Black History Month 2008. [Race]

Black history timeline: poster 4   info
This is the fourth of a series of five posters produced by the Guardian for Black History Month 2008. [Race]

Black history timeline: poster 3   info
This is the third of a series of five posters produced by the Guardian for Black History Month 2008. [Race]

Black history timeline: poster 2   info
This is the second of a series of five posters produced by the Guardian for Black History Month 2008. [Race]

Black history timeline: poster 1   info
For Black History Month 2008, the Guardian produced a series of five posters outlining the contribution of Africans and their descendants to British and global history. This is the first of those posters. [Race]