
Topic: Pensions

Below is a list of the latest content related to this topic.



Blog Articles

Pension equality?
05 June 2019 09:20 Neil Walsh


Attachment: BSRS Implementation Statement
info 13-Jun-2022 12:50
2022 Implementation Statement

Letter: Prospect letter to the Minister for Pensions & Financial Inclusion - Gender pension gap
info 17-Feb-2022 15:59
Letter to Guy Opperman MP, Minister for Pensions & Financial Inclusion on automatic enrollment reform and the gender pension gap.

Submission: Submission to Work & Pensions select committee - Protecting pension savers call for evidence
info 2-Feb-2022 10:56
Prospect submission to stage two of Work & Pensions Select Committee Inquiry - Protecting pension savers – five years on from the Pension Freedoms: Saving for later life. Call for evidence:

Submission: Prospect submission to Cabinet Office consultation on statutory amendment covering McCloud remedy and member contributions
info 20-Dec-2021 16:48
Prospect submission to Cabinet Office on amendments to the Civil Service Pension arrangements, to implement phase one of the remedy to McCloud (closure of legacy scheme and future accrual in Alpha) and setting member contribution rates for 2022/23.

Members' guide: Workplace Pensions
info 10-Nov-2021 12:43
This guide aims to help Prospect members understand the main issues facing them in planning for retirement and simple steps they can take that could have a positive impact on their income in retirement.

Submission: Prospect submission to DWP on permitted charges with DC schemes
info 9-Nov-2021 16:46
Prospect submission to government’s May 2021 consultation on the implementation of a de minimis on the charging of flat fees and a Universal Charging Structure within Defined Contribution (DC) pension schemes. Consultation document: Consultation response:

Members' guide: Public sector pensions
info 29-Oct-2021 16:24
Public sector pensions - A Prospect review. October 2021.

Leaflet/booklet: Achieving gender equality in pensions – Prospect’s 2021 report on the gender pension gap
info 19-Sep-2021 00:01
In this year’s report we continue to report on the headline gender pension gap figures and break this down per UK nation. This year we take a closer look at the gender pension gap within different age tranches of retired members. This was an important piece of research to undertake as it will provide an indicator as to whether past policy changes by government have started to have an impact on reducing the gender pension gap for those younger pensioners.