Office for Nuclear Regulation Branch - Public content

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Prospect - Office for Nuclear Regulation

Welcome to the ONR eBranch

Prospect members in the ONR branch: you automatically get full access to our eBranch content when you log into the website. If you haven't used the Prospect website before, use the 'First time login' option then follow the instructions onscreen.

If you're not a Prospect member, you can only access our public pages and won't see the links to any of our members-only content. The ONR branch represents all areas within ONR. Here are five good reasons to join Prospect if you work in ONR:

  • Prospect negotiates pay and other terms and conditions on your behalf. You're a specialist and we're there to make sure that your skills and expertise are rewarded. If you're not a member, you don't get a say.
  • We fight any attacks on your terms and conditions of employment and act as a vector for communicating members concerns directly to senior management.
  • Members can use our free 24-hour legal helpline if they need advice on non-employment matters.
  • We provide specialist advice on issues ranging from appraisal appeals to disciplinary cases, right through to employment tribunals.
  • Our personal injury scheme provides assistance to members and their families who are injured or become ill through the negligence of a third party.

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