Prospect UK Intellectual Property Office
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What if I can’t be bothered joining a trade union?
Does this mean that you are not bothered about pay, leave, promotion, training, health and safety? Maintaining and improving these conditions are the reasons the union exists. If you want to be able to effectively raise problems with management then trade union membership is important. We are your voice in the workplace.
What if I just want to look after myself?
We genuinely wish you good luck! However, the union movement is based on the concept that collective action, including using trained specialists to represent members, can achieve more than a single individual. Also, Prospect are here to represent our members, meaning if something goes wrong and you are not a member then we will not be able to provide support and advice.
I never seem to see any benefits of the union, what is it that you do?
The activities might not be highly visible, but they DO happen. For example in 2013 we won large pay rises for nearly 200 staff through bringing an equal pay case against the IPO, we have successfully lobbied to have increased output requirements for homeworkers scrapped and we have provided advice and support to individual members. The best way to find out is to look at “What do POESA do?” and to talk to Committee members to find out more before you join, if you are uncertain.
Aren’t the subscriptions very expensive?
Belonging to a union does cost money every month, and in these times it may seem difficult to find that extra cash. Union membership isn’t very expensive in comparison with many other things, for example membership costs between 34p and 50p per day, depending on your grade. We have agreed a special rate of just £7.12 per month for new patent examiners in the training period.
Prospect works hard so that your money goes a long way; it pays for union full time staff, including negotiators, training for representatives, legal and travel expenses and everything needed for a professional, well organized union.
In addition members can offset the cost through the comprehensive package of members’ services.
Aren’t Trade Unions all affiliated with the Labour Party?
Prospect does not support any political party and its rules do not allow it to donate to any political party. It makes representations to MPs from all parties as part of its campaigning work.
I've heard about "POESA" is this the same as Prospect?
Prospect is the name of our union. POESA is the original name of the IPO branch of Prospect, it stands for Patent Office Examining Staff Association. Although a majority of our members are still Patent Examiners we now represent many specialists outside examining at the IPO.