Sellafield Limited Branch - Public content

Prospect Sellafield Limited

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Welcome to Prospect Sellafield Ltd Branch.

Who Are Prospect?

Prospect is a community of over 150,000 members with a Branch structure based on employers. Prospect is owned and ran by the membership. Roles for Officials include negotiators, organisers, the legal team, the comms team, the education team and many more.

Prospect members and officials are empowered to ensure employers act legally,  negotiate on pay and conditions, influence employers and government, provide career development opportunities, support members within performance and promotion and on restructuring and redundancy procedures. Prospect also run and support campaigns for better quality jobs and standards.

Prospect at Sellafield.

With over 5,000 members, Sellafield Ltd Branch is the largest within Prospect. The Branch covers all of the Sellafield Ltd. workplaces and is the largest Union within Sellafield Ltd. The Branch ensure members interests are represented, tackling topics such as salary, terms & conditions, pension entitlement, bonus and any other employment topic. The Branch are also there to support Sellafield Ltd employees through complaints and disciplinary procedures if ever needed.

We are also active in the community, supporting good causes and sponsoring local youth and community sports teams.

What is a trade union?

"When a group of workers act and speak together, their employer has to listen. Thats how unions make things better at work." -Trades Union Congress (TUC)

Unions are groups of workers organised together to win a better deal at work. In Prospect, we have formed groups of members who get together to talk about what’s going on in their workplaces and industries. Our members discuss and negotiate on issues like pay, pensions, equalities, safety at work, unfair treatment, or the way work is organised and managed.

What is Collective Bargaining?

We can all achieve more together than we can alone. When working people band together, they’re much more likely to get decent wages and be treated well at work. Collective bargaining is the official process by which trade unions negotiate with employers, on behalf of their members. The basic principle of collective bargaining is that we negotiate on issues as a block, the more of us that are working together the stronger our voice and the more we are listened to. The more members we have the louder the voice.

Young Workers' Network.

Prospect Sellafield Ltd Branch have an active young workers network to give all members under 35 an opportunity to raise issues, suggest improvements, or get support for any improvements or campaigning they would like to tackle. There are also opportunities for personal development (both locally and nationally) and dedicated skills sessions on topics that matter to the network.

Would you like to learn more?

If so contact the Prospect Sellafield Ltd Branch member contact centre on 019467 81293 or by email to [email protected]

For more information on the Young Workers' Network, contact the Young Worker Chair on [email protected]

Ready to Join?

You can join right now at

Branch President at National ConferenceEnergy Sector

The views expressed on this site are not necessarily the views of Prospect nationally.