Scotland Regional Branch - Public content

Prospect Scotland Regional

Update Your Details!

If your branch is organising it is really important that your details are accurate and up to date. This includes your workplace address, employer name and job title. Good data like this is important so Prospect branches and organising groups can understand where the membership is strongest. Membership data is needed to support a statutory recognition claim. Remember that you have absolutely nothing to fear by providing Prospect with these details, we never share membership names/lists with an employer unless we have consent from individuals to do so for a particular reason.

During a recognition claim membership lists do get provided to an independent party (CAC). This is confidential and done as part of the statutory process so you can trust that the data is handled sensitively and securely. The employer never sees union membership lists and the union never gets to see the employers lists. Remember that you have nothing to fear for providing Prospect with these details, we never share them with your employer unless we have consent from you to do so. If your manager/employer tells you that they know who is a union member they will be bluffing - they have no access to such records**.

Even where there is no organisation happening in your workplace it is still important that your records are kept up to date. Prospect members in certain employment groups or sectors can campaign and lobby on matters that interested the members. You cannot be part of this work unless we know where you work and what your job is.

How to update your details. 

You are in control of your data so you can access your membership page and check/update your details. You first need to register on our website using your membership number. Alternatively you can contact our membership team by email or by telephone 0300 600 1878


**The possible exception to this is in workplaces where members pay subs direct from payroll. This only happens in some employers and is always a choice that the member makes. All members are encouraged to pay their subscriptions by direct debit.