CMD South Branch - Public content

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Prospect CMD South

Insure your career!

Here is your opportunity to join hundreds of other professionals in the Southern UK, with common goals of looking after your career today, tomorrow, and beyond, providing help and support independently of your line management, and as a “Defence Against The Dark Arts”, not quite a magic wand, but fully trained and experienced case handlers, with professional legal support if required should things go wrongly for you in any way. 

Not sure?  Watch this 40 second video about why Philip O’Rawe joined:

So, what is, or who are, Prospect?

Watch a 64 second video snapshot (with a pretty good soundtrack!) of Prospect work which benefits members: 

Prospect is the union for professionals, is fully recognised by numerous organisations, and can help and support without formal recognition, its home page is .  

Who joins?

Members are from a wide range of backgrounds, including self-employed, consultants, and full-time employees, with members benefiting from representation in all manner of career support, specialist employment advice, pay and pensions advice and collective support.  You can find out more here:    

By joining, you help to secure negotiated pay rises, pensions rights, workplace rights and other support; acting together gives us all a greater voice. 

Okay, but what does Prospect do, and will I be expected to go on strike?

Ten great reasons to join Prospect, 77 second video:

Prospect negotiates with many organisations every year for the pay and bonus package, and most other terms and conditions, on behalf of its members.  Prospect is focused on close cooperation with both employers and employees, seeking to achieve positive change through discussion and engagement, rather than aggressive industrial action.  It’s key negotiation strength comes from its membership, so please consider joining us, because then we’re all better off! 

That’s great, but what about personal help for me?

Try this 143 second video on ‘Why Good Work matters for your performance and health’:

Prospect also includes various networks for members at different points in their career, and is available to assist members should anyone find themselves in dispute with their employer.  Whilst this is rare, the support can be highly beneficial when required.  Prospect also looks to your Health and Safety at work. 

Alright, so, when do I get to see Prospect people?

In these challenging times, we have regular branch and union online events, but if you need help rather more quickly,  we, your committee, shall be available to answer any membership queries and discuss benefits.  

Branch Secretary:  Richard Avis

Branch Chair: Barrie Worth

Branch M & R Secretary:  Lindsay Ferguson 

Branch Treasurer:  Paul Huff

Branch H & S Representative: Mark Kent

Branch Environment Representative:  Robin Gape

Prospect Organiser:  Ben Bellamy


Yeah, but unions are all about politics, aren’t they?

Not this one!  The union is a collective organisation, without political affiliation, the sum of its members across many companies, organisations and industries.  

Okay, I’m almost convinced, can I talk to someone about this?

Please feel free to contact any of us by email or via the helpdesk, where we can arrange a suitable telephone or zoom call to help you.

Can I wait until I’ve had a problem, and then join?

Prospect policy is to help its existing members with any issues which arise during their membership.  To qualify for such help, you need to be a member when the problem arises.  The best advice is to join now, whilst you don’t have any issues, just like you insure your property or person before you have a problem, as insurers will not cover you afterwards!

I’m convinced, but I’m very busy, may I apply online?

Yes you can! Follow this link:  You’ll need to have a few details available, but complete the forms and Prospect will take it from there.   You get to see the costs before you sign up!

Kind regards,

Mark Kent,  CMD South Committee member.

The views expressed on this site are not necessarily the views of Prospect nationally.


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