Prospect UK Research and Innovation
Prospect – Protecting YOUR Interests in UKRI
Welcome to the Prospect UKRI Branch ESite. This public page outlines the role that Prospect provides within UKRI. Prospect members also have access to members-only pages where further information is available. If you would like to join Prospect, please click here.
The Prospect Trade Union protects and supports members at work – collectively and for individuals in difficulty. We are run and funded by nearly 150,000 members and are the largest UK union for those working in public sector science and engineering. Prospect is politically independent with leading national campaigns that include challenging the Government imposed pay cap and supporting our EU National colleagues through the uncertain times of Brexit. Locally, your union is run by colleagues who work alongside you at UKRI and give up their time to protect your interests and influence positive change.
With the erosion of our rights and the threat of massive redundancies, this is the time to join a Trade Union. You can read more about our strategic approach to the recent government announcements here.
Here are a few recent achievements that we have made on your behalf…
- UKRI Pay Scales The pay scales adopted for UKRI are based on those used for the Harmonised Pay group (AHRC, BBSRC, EPSRC, ESRC & STFC). These are equivalent to the NERC and MRC bands in their responsibility (JEGS score), but the band minima are higher than most bands' NERC and MRC scales. Initial proposals were for UKRI to have minima lower than the harmonised pay group, but we managed to protect the band minima for all new starters and staff on promotion. We are now working hard to ensure the minima of the NERC, MRC and Innovate UK pay scales are uplifted to match the UKRI scales.
- The terms and Conditions for UKRI Prospect ensured that the T&Cs for UKRI new starters (including those gaining promotion and so taking on UKRI terms) are not inferior to existing terms for transferring staff. Again, these are based on the existing harmonised terms and conditions used across the research councils, giving us a strong negotiating base. There was intense pressure to make many existing terms non-contractual for UKRI, meaning the employer could alter them without a Union agreement. Still, we successfully negotiated a process for reviewing existing terms over the next 18 months. This ensures that detrimental changes cannot be imposed.
- Union recognition for all staff The union recognition agreement that replaces separate agreements for each organisation gives a strong voice for members on local issues whilst ensuring all unions have a say in negotiations across UKRI, both now and into the future. Areas such as Innovate UK, where there was no union recognition previously, now have the same structure as other parts of UKRI. New starters will have the right to representation and influence. We are working hard to ensure that the same recognition agreement is respected across all of the other institutes and associate programmes fully funded by UKRI.
- Recognition for staff in Centres and Institutes Whilst most administration takes place at Head Office, and the new UKRI strategy team are based in London, the majority of staff in UKRI are based in Centres and Institutes across the UK. For STFC, their administration is also spread across the Council institutes. We successfully ensured that the impact of decisions, particularly regarding restructuring and redeployment opportunities, reflected the interests of all staff, not just those at head office.
Members' Services
Prospect membership also provides access to a range of services. All members are entitled to these individual services. Many are unique to our members, some apply to family members too, and most are free (as indicated). You can find out more on the Members Benefits page.
Benefits range from the legal helpline, will writing, financial advice and much more.
The views expressed on this site are not necessarily the views of Prospect nationally.