Recruitment leaflets

Recruitment leaflets

Our recruitment leaflets help you to spread the word about Prospect and what we do.

Public Service blank A4 poster – Welsh   info
Welsh language poster

91K job cuts in the Civil Service flyer – Welsh   info
Campaign flyer in Welsh

91K job cuts in the Civil Service poster – Wlesh   info
Campaign poster in Welsh

Public Sector pay campaign checklist   info
Checklist helping you to organise your campaigning

World class heritage – Second class pay report   info
A Prospect research briefing

91,000 Job cuts A5 flyer   info
A5 flyer

91K civil servants job cuts poster   info
91,000 job cuts poster

Normalising Fertility Issues at Work Guidance   info
A guidance document on fertility issues at work including menstruation, fertility treatment, pregnancy loss and the menopause.

Natural England pay report Feb 2022   info
The “State of Natural England” has been covered in several reports over the past few years. These touched lightly on the plight of the staff, the principal aim there being to strengthen the organisation in terms of resources to tackle the various climate and conservation emergencies. But it is now time to focus on those staff.

EDF renewables recuirtment flyer   info
A5 recruitment flyer for EDF staff working in renewables

Digital technology – a guide for union reps   info
Fundamentally the issues raised by new technology, of transparency, inclusion, and fairness, are those that trade unionists have always dealt with in the workplace.

Social value and the prosperity agenda in defence   info
In this report we analyse the social value test and discuss its limitations. We look at alternative ways of measuring the defence contribution to the UK economy and consider whether a more direct approach might be a better way of delivering prosperity to the communities that rely on defence work.

Prospect and Bectu desk calendar 2024   info
A4 desk calendar 2024

Commercials Production Diversity Action Plan 2021   info
Commercials Production Diversity Action Plan produced in Partnership by Bectu and the APA with support from the Mayor of London

A year with Prospect Legal – Oct 2021   info
Landscape A4 poster highlighting Prospect Legal successes from October 2020 to October 2021

Prospect Race Action Plan 2021   info
Racism shows up everywhere and it costs us all; some more directly than others. Over centuries, racism has been socially and economically constructed and embedded.

Achieving gender equality in pensions – Prospect’s 2021 report on the gender pension gap   info
In this year’s report we continue to report on the headline gender pension gap figures and break this down per UK nation. This year we take a closer look at the gender pension gap within different age tranches of retired members. This was an important piece of research to undertake as it will provide an indicator as to whether past policy changes by government have started to have an impact on reducing the gender pension gap for those younger pensioners.

Branch organising plan checklist   info
Editable Word template

Building an inclusive culture at work: guide for energy sector members   info
A guide for Prospect members in the energy sector to building an inclusive workplace culture

Protecting workers' health and safety in renewable energy (concise version)   info
Summary version of the longer 'health and safety in renewable energy' booklet, with QR link to the full report.

Protecting workers' health and safety in renewable energy   info
The renewables industry has witnessed massive growth in the last decade, but this has not been accompanied by the robust health and safety processes we see in other forms of energy generation. As a result, professionals in renewables are exposed to a significantly higher risk of injury or ill-health.

Prospect statement of accounts 2020   info
Year ending 31 December 2020

A workforce investment plan for our energy networks   info
Prospect has repeatedly called for a regulatory framework that holds companies accountable for investment in their net zero workforce. Important decisions on budgets for training and skills development, health and safety, and workforce diversity will, in the 2020s, shape companies’ ability to respond quickly and effectively to the net zero challenge. To use Ofgem’s terminology, we need to see a more vigorous and transparent approach to deliver ‘workforce resilience’,

Workplace action on the climate emergency – branch checklist   info
A Prospect checklist of what could your branch be doing to help tackle the climate emergency.

Delivering the prosperity agenda in defence   info
Prospect Defence Industry Group – The UK is a leading defence power in Europe and a key NATO organisation. To retain this position, the country needs to invest in military capabilities across a full range of defence domains.

Prospect stress and mental health checklist   info
A 10-point checklist to appraise employer practices around promoting good mental health.

Gathering data on stress   info
Briefing for reps

Prospect gender pay gap report 2020   info
Facts and figures for Prospect's gender pay gap. 2020 report

A Just Transition – Managing the challenges of technology, trade, climate change and COVID-19   info
A report by David Coats, Visiting Professor, Centre for Sustainable Work and Employment Futures, University of Leicester Research Fellow, the Smith Institute

A Guide to Prospect/Bectu Legal Advice   info
A guide to legal advice and services provided by Prospect/Bectu to members