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Cefnogi Treftadaeth: Y camau nesaf   info
Welsh-language version of the Prospect campaign leaflet: 'Supporting Heritage: The next steps', offering an overview of the current state of the heritage sector, Prospect's contribution and our longer-term aims and goals to help our members within heritage.

Supporting Heritage: The next steps   info
Overview of the current state of the heritage sector, Prospect's contribution and our longer-term aims and goals to help our members within heritage.

Delivering clean power – A mission for the energy system   info
In the power sector, the solution to these problems is clear. We need a national mission to roll out homegrown, low-carbon electricity from renewables and nuclear as quickly as possible.

HSE under pressure: A perfect storm   info
Prospect union’s report on the long term causes and latent factors

Design, build and maintain: Effective defence procurement   info
"Prospect feels that a more fundamental review of procurement regulations is required. Government should still strive to achieve value for money, but this needs to be balanced by a stronger commitment to a wider industrial strategic goal of developing UK industry. That is the purpose of this report."

Are you about to retire? Here’s why you should stay in Prospect…   info
Leaflet to encourage members who are retiring to stay with Prospect. Updated Jun 2021

Gweision Sifil Angen Bargen Deg (Civil Servants Need A Fair Deal – Welsh language version)   info
Welsh language version of A5 flyer for distribution during PS strike action

Civil Servants need a fair deal   info
Double-sided A5 flyer for distribution during PS strike action

PLI 2018-19 (flyer)   info
Flyer promoting BECTU's group PLI policy for the period 1 May 2018-30 April 2019.

Vote YES to industrial action: Civil and public services ballot 2023   info
Prospect is balloting members in over 40 employers in Civil and Public Service areas. Members in these areas supported taking industrial action in online indicative ballots in late 2022. Legally we must now hold a postal ballot, where at least 50% of members must vote. This means it is vitally important that you vote in this ballot, regardless of whether you voted last year. We are urging you to vote YES to Industrial Action and YES to action short of a strike.

Bectu subscription rate card 2023   info
Sub rates for Bectu members updated January 2023

Electricity industry violince principles   info
Everyone has a right to work in an environment where they feel safe and respected, free from violence and abuse.