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Top ten reasons to join Prospect HSE branch

1) Pay

We have negotiated good pay deals in a tough climate including:

  • a return to predictable stepped progression
  • transitional max and mid point uplifts
  • scrapping of the despised component B/premium pay systems.

Through negotiation, campaigning and resistance we have greatly improved the amount of money on the table every year

2) Representation

Every year we help dozens of members with problems at work such as bullying, stress-related ill health, and disputed performance appraisals. HSE is often a good employer but sometimes Prospect's intervention is vital to ensure fairness.

3) Back up

Prospect is there to back you when things go wrong at work. We're on your side when you come under pressure, if management question your judgment, or if false accusations are made against you. We provide support and advice when you need it most.

4) Pensions

We have worked with Prospect centrally to defend pension rights from vicious attacks.

5) Negotiation

Prospect negotiates many of the things you take for granted at work, such as overtime payments, flexible working, travel and subsistence, lease cars, sickness absence agreements, vacancy filling, and training provision.

6) Legal services

Prospect can provide legal advice and representation if you or your family are injured or become ill through the negligence of a third party.

7) Campaigning

We have gained massive support from trade unions, pressure groups, safety campaigners and MPs in our stand against cuts and for decent funding for HSE.

8) Defending professional standing

We have insisted on a replacement for the post-graduate diploma for inspectors.

9)Maintaining flexible/hybrid working

We continue to support members in their ability to do the job from a variety of locations, home, office and on site

10) Influence

We contribute vigorously to the debate about HSE's priorities, providing a strong voice for members on their professional concerns, and a challenge to sloppy management thinking. We take your views to the Board, the CEO, and to ministers.


Without us, you would be paid less and your working conditions would not be as good. We need you to give us even more influence to change things, because the more members we have, the stronger we are. Three quarters of your colleagues are already members.

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